Thursday, October 31, 2013

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

Consumer behavior and loyalty is simply a remarkable way of marketing in itself, because of the rewards and offers a company makes to keep their their consumers paying and staying with them. Companies like Apple keep a chain tightly around them, by making variations of "self expression" products that say what type of lifestyle a customer has. With this said Apple just has to keep up by making and producing products that make the customer want the item to improve themselves. As citizens, we tend to strive to set ourselves apart from everyone else in our style, clothing, eating habits, music, and so on.there for companies set a emotional bond with customers by setting a member able time or event for customers to relish upon. Companies must also easy customers into buying what they offer or the customer may seem overwhelmed. and possibly, frightened by what they are about to buy, so giving information bits by bits. it helps consumers feel welcomed and confront able. On Page 134. Chapter. 5 of Marketing an Introduction: "Apple product work better and do more." Apple offers the customer to create an account to get updates on newer and fresher products that will be coming out soon. Even deals and offers to obtain the products, Apple maybe expensive to some. But they offer the top line and the edge of tomorrows technology, possibly Apple will create the future of what our world would work with for every day tasks in life. Letting consumers set themselves even more as a one of a kind individual. For this is called a good unbreakable lifestyle relationship with the buyer and the seller. It makes the seller want to buy more and more of the product that is produced by a company and marketer. So the Company may build a consumer database based on what you buy on the website and your personal information as well as purchases.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Week 4: The Everything Anime App

For anime nerds like me, we all search for different sites for Anime series in English not in English subs. It gets irritating that there are so many websites with little or no episodes in the English language. Its either, Japanese, Germany, Italian, Swedish, Russian, Arabic, or Chinese. There are so many apps for different things then why not have an app for the purpose of Anime freaks. With the journey to find that one app with all English anime series with no subtitles, but has whatever you want to watch at the push of a button? Therefor, This app would be perfect, and why not include Manga books too? It would be a good package, both videos and books. Also the app should even have RP Games, Otome, Lolli, Yuri, Yaoi, and of course the adult anime Games. This should include the Adult anime series and books. Known as Hentai, this app would surly have tons of consumers downloading to cellphones, Tablets, and Computers. I certainly would love to have this app on my cell phone, it would be helpful to pass the time sitting for a appointment, or traveling to places in a long car ride. Or simply, staying in a plane for four hours with no entrainment value what so ever. With this noted, I would even say this app should give people the opportunity to create a personal account for perhaps discounts or have stores for the soul purpose of selling anime merchandise. This account would allow the costumer to create a avatar. They can choose to represent a character from a selective Manga or choose to make it after a imaginary image. This icon for the app would what i imagine as "TEA" short for "The Every thing Anime App".

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Week 3: My Demographics

Hispanic population is one of the big majority to contribute to the American stimulation in mass. Therefor, they make up the second largest ethic group in the United States, much younger, less educated, less wealthy, very large immigrant component, no less then two dozen national origins and of every race. Hispanic actually have a longer life expectancy then Americans. All of this is one huge statistic of Hispanic as well as Asians made a huge change upon our nation in 1960. Which compose one-third of the population nearly one in six Americans are Hispanic or Latino recorded in 2009. A total of 48.4 million  out of 307 million Americans, because of high rates of immigration. As well as high rates of fertility growth shaped by Hispanic or Latino Americans. It is a widely known among Americans that a degree is essential to obtain a stable occupation. Most Americans have a high school diploma, while between 25 % and 75 % continue to a institution of higher education. the U.S Census Bureau stated that, Hispanics are among the least educated ethnic group. In 2000, 530,000 Hispanics and Latinos ages 16–19 years were a high school dropouts, creating a dropout rate of 21.1 % for Hispanics and Latinos. 11 % of Hispanics or Latinos have earned a bachelor's degree or higher, compared with 17 % of non-Hispanic African Americans, 30 % of non-Hispanic Caucasian, and 49 % of Asian Americans. Often, Hispanic and Latino young generation begin education without the necessary economic or social resources that other American children have. One cause may be, them being the children of immigrant parents with low or little socioeconomic status. With language barriers that result in a lack of knowledge for the U.S. education system. Unfavorable, conditions frequently give away to others, such as weak parent-teacher relationships and communication.

Week 3: Making Money for Good

McDonald's, so happens to give back money for Mexicans to be funded to go to college. Therefor, This company franchise gives hispanics a chance of education. Since most of the majority of Americans have little or no money to even attend college. McDonald, also has small plastic boxes at each establishment to take donations to give back to children who cant afford a meal. they even support any charity or cause that very high in the world today. Like clothes for kids, or on the lines of giving something back to people who need it. McDonald, may be the cause of obesity, but they are slowly changing to commandant healthy eating choices. For kids meal, they little ones have a choice to either have apples or fry's. for the drink its milk (chocolate or), water, apple juice, and orange juice. Kids may not order soda with their kids meal, either or this company has set high standards of change. So giving money back to others would appeal to consumers as a caring business. Even paying to college for citizens who want to strive for a higher knowledge. Seems to be a act of courtesy on their part. This will make people want to go to McDonald to spend more and more of their cash or paychecks on their food. McDonald, is merely impossible to be reliable for what you decide to eat because they have posters of the calorie count in there restaurants. They are simply caring people who care for your health and financial problems. They are complete gods with money pouring from their pockets.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 2: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

For The 50th year, the Boston Consulting Group has develop over time. Through the changes of the worlds technology advancement. They have learned and inhabited to societies newer habits. To this companies around the world had to learn how to compete with the big dogs. So with this in mind gaming franchises have come up with new consoles to advance to what the people demand. Therefor, Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, Blizzard, EA, Activision, Bethesda, and Valve. All have made the devices we have come to love and adore like the Play Station, X box 360 or Live, PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS, and the Play Station 4. Some of the companies even compete to create gaming apps for your Ipod, Ipad, tablet, Cell Phone, Mac, PC, and Computers themselves. Apps like Candy Crush, Angry Birds series, and other well known gaming apps you may spend your time on. Since, This competition has started god knows when, other companies that have nothing to do with the entertainment industry. Have also joined in on making apps for easy access to personal or financial needs. If its business or place, there is a app for that. Whatever you may like its only a hand swipe away from being at your front door. I mean in our world today some have no time to go to places that they may need to purchase an object or product from. Most Americans today, go home every day from a job or career with little time to spare for personal time to travel or shop. I would love to go home and play a little of old style games like Sonic or Mario. The games that were pixel 8 version, just to collect coins or rings. And enjoy a little of the good old days when we all were kids without a care in the world. Finally, This is why these Gaming Companies exist to add you with achieving the good memories of old fashion entertainment in its pleasurable of forms. With shooting zombies or bad evil doer’s to rescue a princess, to calm our nerves with just a smash of the “x button”. Happy gaming America.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

I am a Fashion Retail and Management student at The Art Institute of Las Vegas, NV. I'm going to be a designer and buyer for a big name company. Id like to one day work for Hot-topic or design some glitzy costumes for drag queens. I originally got into studying fashion because of a reality TV show on the LOGO channel "Rue Paul's Drag Race." I'm a proud supporter of gay and lesbian rights to marriage, I believe if your an American citizen you should have the right to receive equal rights as any every day American. Some may not agree with my opinion, but how i feel on the subject wont be changed any time soon. Anyways, In the Show i watched these participates create amazing garments out of simple materiel. I was awe-stuck when one possible candidate on the show dared to challenged the professionalism of a military uniform. Being as when i attended high school, I so happened to be in a military program. I had been in this program for four years of my life, and was of a high ranking. A Cadet 2nd Ltd., an officer who had a job to maintain a squadron, Air Force Jr. ROTC. Practically gave me a second chance on life, it opened a new perspective upon my surroundings. Most people when i was younger doubted my capabilities a lot because of a learning disability. Especially family, like my mother for whom should be more supportive about how i made it to college. But I do understand how she feels about the situation, I mean she is very proud that I set such high standards towards a good education. She rather have me home, then to see her children leave so soon to college. To actually desire a degree, so I may achieve excellence for a better future. Then how my parents had suffered living off of the state, paycheck to paycheck. I just want a better life then what my parents had, to love what i do in a promising career. Otherwise, I would have went towards going in the Navy, for this was my second option. At last my motivation comes from someone who has long past left this world, His name was Max Garcia. He was a gunner's mate third class upon the USS Irwin during the Korean War, He died May 4, 2011, my great grandfather. I was a sophomore at the time, and had the privileged to present the flag in my uniform that was issued to me. I still tell this man's story to the Air Force Jr. ROTC i had been apart of for high school. Three years of telling his life and it still manages to bring a young lady like me to tears. He meant a lot to my family, merely the foundation to the our union, someone who made everyone who met him. Simply smile, he meant a lot to me, but i know he was never the type of man to give up on a hard obstacle that can be overcome. So for only this man i continue to work harder on my education, because i certainly wont be giving up anytime soon. There are times when subjects get a bit overwhelming, but my way of copping with the stress. Is i write poetry, I'm quiet good at writing poetry, for i have 70 poems published on a website. I get friends, family, and merely strangers ask me everyday that i have a talent for poetry. The most commonly asked question is, "why didn't you become a poet? or get a novel going?". Truth is, I am getting a novel published soon but only when i reach a long term goal of 100 poems published. I plan to be a part-time poet as well if that is even possible, id make it possible. Its something i enjoy greatly, i might even continue to write more after i have reached my set goal. But we'll see what the future holds, with many stories of gore, anger, sadness, eroticism, and heart into my work. I think a lot of people is this world have odd ways of getting inspiration or have very unique talents. Its what sets each other apart, and make us individuals. The Art Institute certainly does receive the genuinely unique category of society in its structures. No one should feel ashamed of there defining talents or traits like learning capabilities, or certain characteristics.   

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service

“We actually take a lot of the money that we would have normally spent on paid advertising and put it back into the customer experience,” Chapter 1, Page 3 of Marketing: an Introduction by Armstrong/Kotler. I believe that companies should care more about the customer’s experience then advertising. Mainly, because if a customer has a great time at the company’s retail store or place of service. Those customers will suggest that company to other people who may enjoy a nice time at their establishment. I experienced a rather good situation at Joann’s craft store in Bullhead City, AZ. This store certainly has a great Varity of fabrics and small hobby crafts. They even offer sowing classes to those interested in improving or beginning to learn how to sow. Joann’s has also sent through the mail system of discounts of anything in the store with usable coupons. The employee’s at Joann’s greet every customer with pleasant tone of voice with good speech skills. I had one chat with an employee about ordering a human fabric figure form. She gave me an option of price and availabilities. Sadly, I did not have enough cash in my pocket to whip out a total of $350.  But the overall experience was very welcoming, I am a loyal comsumer of Joann’s. At one point I wanted to get a job at the establishment near my hous back in Bullhead City, soon after I ended up enrolling in the Art Institute of Las Vegas, NV. For more opportunity then a life of living pay-check to pay-check. While scrapping pens worth to live on a job I may or may not like. I like going to college to where study for a bachlors in Fashion Retail and Management.  To pursue a for filling career, then to hate a dead-end job.