Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 2: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

For The 50th year, the Boston Consulting Group has develop over time. Through the changes of the worlds technology advancement. They have learned and inhabited to societies newer habits. To this companies around the world had to learn how to compete with the big dogs. So with this in mind gaming franchises have come up with new consoles to advance to what the people demand. Therefor, Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, Blizzard, EA, Activision, Bethesda, and Valve. All have made the devices we have come to love and adore like the Play Station, X box 360 or Live, PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS, and the Play Station 4. Some of the companies even compete to create gaming apps for your Ipod, Ipad, tablet, Cell Phone, Mac, PC, and Computers themselves. Apps like Candy Crush, Angry Birds series, and other well known gaming apps you may spend your time on. Since, This competition has started god knows when, other companies that have nothing to do with the entertainment industry. Have also joined in on making apps for easy access to personal or financial needs. If its business or place, there is a app for that. Whatever you may like its only a hand swipe away from being at your front door. I mean in our world today some have no time to go to places that they may need to purchase an object or product from. Most Americans today, go home every day from a job or career with little time to spare for personal time to travel or shop. I would love to go home and play a little of old style games like Sonic or Mario. The games that were pixel 8 version, just to collect coins or rings. And enjoy a little of the good old days when we all were kids without a care in the world. Finally, This is why these Gaming Companies exist to add you with achieving the good memories of old fashion entertainment in its pleasurable of forms. With shooting zombies or bad evil doer’s to rescue a princess, to calm our nerves with just a smash of the “x button”. Happy gaming America.

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